Purchase options
The most common way to train with us is to buy a course, where each week includes a class at a set time. There you have a guaranteed spot and get a structured and planned training. Learn more about our purchase options here.
Single purchase
Buy individual classes or sessions of open training. You pay per occasion with a payment card, Swish or our clip card for open training.
DROP IN – Classes from one course, 60-75 min/class.
PLUS CLASSES – Independent classes in mixed styles, 60 min/class. Overview drop-in/plus classes via the schedule and purchase via the book button above.
Continuous classes of 3-8 weeks, 60-75 min per class. You buy all classes. Follows a planned arrangement to ensure a structured training so that you develop safely and are well prepared for more difficult tricks and combinations. Staffed open training is included for those who take a pole/aerial hoop course. Overview of our course periods and class schedule here.
Membership BAS
Only offered to course participants when a new course period has started. Membership that includes all open training during a course period. The membership is limited in time and ends automatically when the course period ends. (Valid 6-8 weeks during acourse period.)
Price SEK 300/course period
Membership PLUS
Membership with a fixed monthly fee of SEK 650/month which includes 2 stand-alone plus classes/week, 30% discount on courses, priority access to course registration and all open training. You buy for at least 1 month and the membership automatically renews until you cancel.
No binding period. Read more here.
For beginners we recommend try-out classes, intro or level 1 (nivå 1) courses (or Pole Basics in plus classes) in pole/hoop and basic level in dance courses. View our course schedule here and book via the booking button above.
✨COURSE START – The courses for period week 2-9 (6 January – 2 March) 2025 will be released on Sunday 1/12 at 12.00 AM.
💎NEW membership PLUS – Next year we introduce new membership with a new type of classes (plus classes). More information can be found here.
🔸NEW Membership BAS – Temporarily membership for course participants who want access to all open training. Read more here.
🎉Multi-course discount on 30 % – News offer for 2025, you who take several courses only pay full price for the one with the highest price. Read more here.
🎉15 % discount beginner courses – in pole and aerial hoop beginner courses with the code: beginner15
💜TRY OUT CLASSES (PROVA PÅ) – See upcoming classes via the book button above.
Our dance styles
We have courses in several different styles such as pole dance, aerial hoop, commercial heels, chair dance and strength & mobility and more. Our standard courses in pole dancing and aerial hoop are divided into different levels of advancement, where intro and level 1 correspond to beginner level. Our dance courses are divided into intro, basic, intermediate and advanced levels of difficulty.
Prices and dates for the courses can be found in Agendo. Click on the ”book” button above. If a course is full, you can register on the course’s waitlist.
Standard courses
Level courses in poledance and aerial hoop. A mix of fitness and dance.
Strength & Mobility
Strength and Mobility courses & Power Pole
Dance Courses
Courses with dance focus. Pole Choreo/In Heels, Commercial Heels, Chairdance & Twerk.
We follow a uniform and planned structure in our standard pole and aerial hoop courses. Our courses are from 14 years unless otherwise stated. Read more about specific courses in our booking program Agendo.
Benefits & Offers
Make up for missed classes
If you are registered for a course in pole dance or aerial dance, you have a reserved place in that course, which contains a certain number of class sessions. If you buy a course of 8 sessions and miss 2 sessions, you have 2 missed sessions that you can make up in Drop in classes or plus classes, so you get your 8 sessions in total.
Each course period, we offer several opportunities to make up for missed classes, and you use the benefit in the courses that have free spots (drop-in classes) or with plus classes. The possibilities vary between each course period depending on which courses start and Drop in and plus classes open up for booking when a new course period has started. Read more here.
Open Pole/Aerials (open training)
Open Pole/Open Aerial (OP/OA) is open training where you who practice pole dancing, aerial hoop or other aerial dance can come and train yourself on what you learned from classes you participated in. We have two types of open training; staffed sessions (OA/OP) and +sessions (OA+/OP+).
Staffed sessions of open training are included during the weeks you take a course in poledance or aerial dance. Course participants can also buy +pass for half price, SEK 50/pass. Open training is purchased via Agendo (booking button above). Overview the schedule here.
Membership BAS
Offered only to course participants.
One payment membership for you who are a course member and want to have access to all open training during the course weeks. When a course period has started, you who have an active course booking can buy this membership. SEK 300/course period. Read more here.
Membership PLUS
Membership for SEK 650/month which provides:
• 2 plus classes included every week
• 30% discount on courses
• Free access to all sessions of open training
• Priority for booking courses 24 hours before others
• A lockable cabinet where you can store grip aids, your shoes, clothes or anything else you need for your training in the studio. (If being a member for at least 3 months)
During a course year, there are also other discounts and benefits for our plus members from time to time. You buy for at least 1 month and the membership automatically renews until you cancel. No commitment period and you can cancel the membership at any time. Our plus membership is purchased via Agendo (booking button above). Read more here.
Our studio
Our studio has two dance halls of a total of 120 square meters with 8 and 9 poles respectively that are 4 meters high. Each student always gets their own pole/hoop in our classes. There are rubber bands, kettlebells, dumbbells and other equipment you also have access to during open training. We also have a substantial stretch area, where you can warm up before and unwind after the class, as well as an IR-sauna that can be booked during the colder months of the year.

Our poles are 4 m high, spaced 2-3 meters. Each student gets their own pole/hoop. In our dance rooms, we have sagging floors, which is gentle on the body’s joints during dance activities. For safe installation, the floor is compact under the poles.

Private lesson
Would you rather train alone than in a group, get help with supplementary training or maybe just become better at pole dancing or aerial hoop? Then we can offer private lessons where you for 60 minutes get an individualized lesson with one of our instructors. Almost all of JOM studio’s owners and instructors are trained personal trainers, dieticians, instructors or have other training in health and wellness and we are happy to help you with your training goals.
Private lesson of 60 minutes in pole dance and aerial hoop costs SEK 550/h and is booked through Agendo. If you are a small group of 2-5 participants, you can also book a private lesson for a group, where the price is SEK 400/person. Enter the discipline you want to train (poledance or aerial hoop), level and any other wishes under Customer Message when you register. If scheduled times do not meet your wishes, or if you want help with other training, you are welcome to contact us via info@jomstudio.se and we will see if we can find another solution that suits you.
Common Questions
Below you will find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
How do I book and see prices?
All classes and courses can be found in our booking program Agendo. You can see prices, dates and times by clicking the book button at the top of this page. There you can also read more about each specific class in the info text. Click on a course and Läs mer (read more). You can also view the schedule via the Schema site on our website.
How do I start training as a beginner?
Our courses/classes are divided into different levels of advancement. In this way, we can adapt the training to your conditions. For beginners in pole and aerial dance, we recommend our try-out classes (prova på-klasser), shorter intro courses or Level 1 courses (nivå 1), where you get to start your training together with other beginners. You can of course also start with a private lesson.
Do I have to be fit to start practicing pole dancing or lyra?
No, you don’t need to be fit to start practicing pole dancing or any other form of aerial dance. The forms of exercise are suitable for anyone who wants to learn, but of course students can have different starting positions depending on whether they have been very active earlier in their lives. With us, you learn the basics and then develop safely at the pace you choose.
Do you have to be lightly dressed to practice poledance?
As a beginner, you can wear anything. We recommend you wear optional training clothes that you are comfortable in. At levels after beginners, you will be quite limited in figures and tricks you can do if you do not have a grip on the pole, which normal clothes do not provide. And when you do advanced exercises hanging upside down, you want a good grip. If for some reason you can not or do not want bare skin, there are clothes made of materials that are adapted to give grip on metal poles. The clothes are sold by retailers of poledance clothes.
Do I have to wear shoes and dance sexy?
The more sensual style of pole dancing (In Heels) is a kind of style of pole dancing, with more elements of feminine movements and where the use of high-heeled shoes is common. At JOM studio we like all styles of pole dancing. But we know that many people are not completely comfortable with the sensual style, especially in the beginning. That’s why we let it develop in our own courses or in groups where it fits and is absolutely not forced on you who don’t feel it’s your style. Everyone should feel comfortable participating in our courses!
What do I need to think about before my course?
To be able to do many tricks in pole dancing, you need bare skin to get a grip on the pole. However, our introductory and beginner courses are adapted so most things can be done with any clothing. So you can choose the training clothes you are comfortable in when you start training with us.
Feel free to bring a water bottle, coveralls and socks as the classes can contain a mix of elements, where we work both on the pole and the floor. When we do exercises on the floor where it can be comfortable with soft clothes. Cover-up clothes are also perfect to have when we warm up and to be able to put on during class to keep warm when needed.
Is open training (open pole/aerials) included?
Some sessions of open training (OA/OP) are included for free during the weeks you take a pole/aerial dance course. The +sessions (OA+/OP+) is purchased for SEK 50/time for students and if you don’t attend a course, you can buy all sessions for SEK 100/time. Experience in the respective discipline is always required to be able to book open training. Read more under Open Pole.
Where is JOM studio located?
Our studio is located in the Viadukten area, Kämpevägen 17 in Jönköping (at the eastern roundabout) about 20 minutes’ walk from the train station along lake Munksjön. If you come by car on Kämpevägen, turn off opposite to the road Syrgasvägen. The area has plenty of free customer parking. Our studio is located at the back of the area.